Assignment #4 - Language, Emotion, and CMC
Kailyn Gee, Kevin Ciaccio, Sarah Aslam, Jennifer Lin
Our project will examine the ways in which emotion is expressed through CMC. Additionally, we will study whether the expression of emotion can be detected in this medium.
Specifically, we plan to determine whether the sadness portrayed by one individual can be detected by a neutral partner through instant messaging. A question we hope to answer is the following: in this medium, what methods, if any, will the subject use to convey his mood? This question is additionally complicated by our prediction that during conversation, partners will attempt to match their communication styles with each other; this trend is known as communication accommodation theory. For instance, if one subject uses his language to convey a sad mood, his partner will similarly adopt a depressing writing style.
Our project will emulate a previous study completed in 2005. The purpose of this previous study was to determine whether emotion could be detected through instant messaging. It concluded that significant changes in language use occurred depending on whether the participant was happy or sad. Moreover, a neutral subject was easily able to detect his partner’s mood. A significant drawback to this study, however, was that the emotion communicated was not genuine. At the beginning of the experiment, one participant was asked to deliberately act happy or sad while conversing with his partner. After communicating, his partner was then asked whether he could detect the portrayal of the feigned emotion. Our study will improve upon the previous research by provoking a genuine emotion in our subjects before asking them to interact. We plan to induce the emotion of sadness by showing our participants a video clip. From a meta-analysis report, it has been shown that the best mood induction procedure (MIP) is video.
We will have two participants arrive at different locations to ensure that they do not meet. Subject A will be shown a sad video clip and asked to empathize with the characters within. Following that, he will be asked to fill out a questionnaire to allow us to detect his current mood. In order to ensure that Subject A does not realize we plan to study his emotions, we will frame the second part of the experiment as a completely different study. In this part of the experiment, we will have Subject A interact with Subject B through instant messaging. After communicating with each other, we will have both subjects fill out a questionnaire to rate the mood of Subject A.
Following the experiment, we will use the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count program to analyze the emotion expressed through instant messaging. This will allow us to precisely determine the ways in which language use is affected by emotion. For example, the previous study specifically found that when participants were sad, they used more affect terms and negations but fewer words and assents in their communication.