Cornell Language and Technology

exploring how technologies affect the way we talk, think and understand each other

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Assignment #9

I wish Pearls Before Swine was in the Cornell Sun, but at least we have Dilbert.


At 5:39 PM, Blogger Evan said...

Who needs any other comic when we're lucky enough to be blessed with the whimsical magic of Mr. Gnu? I don't really understand where it comes from and why it seems like we have the only paper that carries it, but it's one reason that makes me proud to go to Cornell. Without it, my daily ritual of reading Mr. Gnu and doing (or at least attempting) the crossword puzzle would be incomplete. Travis Dandro, wherever you are, I salute you.

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Evan said...

Oh yeah, just wanted to add that The Perry Bible Fellowship is pretty much the best comic in existence.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Kate Fenner said...

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At 6:56 PM, Blogger Kate Fenner said...

My two cents: Dilbert is pretty good. But I certainly prefer Pearls Before Swine, and I wish that the Daily Sun printed it...that would make my day. Some of my favorite Pearls cartoons are when they start making fun of themselves. Like Sundays. And one from a few weeks ago. Just made me laugh at it's reality
What a great comic :-)


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